
• Nutrition/Digestive system: basic blood work to determine nutritional status, thorough testing of specific nutrients, Organic Acid testing and comprehensive nutrient levels, IgG and IgE food sensitivity and allergy testing or elimination diets to determine reactions to certain foods, stool cultures to find hidden sources of microbial imbalance in the gut, comprehensive GI health panel to look at the overall functioning of digestion and absorption of nutrients

• Immune system: vit D testing, complete blood count and viral titers to rule out infections, testing of systemic inflammatory markers and immune proteins to determine immune functioning, heavy metal testing, testing for autoantibodies to rule out autoimmune processes

• Metabolic system: testing for specific biomarkers of oxidative damage, mitochondrial dysfunction, methylation, and possible genetic markers of metabolic problems, thyroid hormones and antibodies, reduced glutathione and other biomarkers for detoxification pathways


• individualized dietary plans with ongoing support
• recommendations for minimizing ongoing environmental exposures to toxins and allergens
• vitamin, mineral, probiotic, and antioxidant support to encourage repair and proper functioning of metabolic, immune, and GI systems
• essential fatty acids that improve GI and nervous system function
• immune-modulating nutrients to heal chronic inflammation
• recommendations for behavioral services and support in the community
• suggestions for practical, day to day interactions with your child with autism, based on my years of experience as a behavioral therapist and parent coach
• support, encouragement, and understanding of the complexity of this condition and the enormous impact on families
• healthcare for parents and siblings to ensure the whole family stays healthy – with a special focus on helping parents who have been chronically sleep-deprived

This can bring about:

• improvements in GI symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation
• fewer colds and allergy symptoms
• increased shared attention, less anxiety and more flexibility in daily life
• improvements in communication and sensory challenges
• better sleep, leading to better moods and behavior
• a better quality of life for the whole family with less stress and more time for fun!


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