If you are thinking of having children in the near future, what can you do now to prepare your body for pregnancy and give your child a healthy start in life?

If you’ve had one or more children who currently have chronic health conditions such autism, allergies, or asthma, what can you do to prepare for another pregnancy and possibly prevent these issues?

New research shows that the health of the mother before conception plays a big part in the future health of her child. While most women begin thinking about their health when they become pregnant, studies show that decreasing your toxic load and improving your nutritional status before conceiving reduces the risk of future health problems for your child. The health of the father before conception plays an important role as well.

Dr. LaRosa uses a comprehensive, individualized assessment to create a clear plan to improve your overall health, thus improving your likelihood of conceiving, having a healthy, full term pregnancy, and having a healthy child.

We will evaluate you and your partners current health status including thyroid and adrenal health, vitamin and mineral status, immune and digestive health, and methylation status. Methylation is a key pathway for determining which genes get expressed and which remain silent.

Treatment includes:

  • a customized plan of dietary and lifestyle changes based on your lab results
  • targeted nutritional supplements
  • methylation and detoxification support
  • treatment for any underlying health conditions
  • thyroid and adrenal support, as needed
  • resources for prenatal, childbirth, and postpartum care

Improving your overall health before trying to conceive is not only good for your future children, but your future health as well. This program will help you to feel your best while preparing for pregnancy.

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